NEAR Protocol Launches Balkans Hub to Lead Blockchain Innovation & Develop Talent

NEAR Protocol Launches Balkans Hub to Lead Blockchain Innovation & Develop Talent

NEAR Protocol Launches Balkans Hub to Lead Blockchain Innovation & Develop Talent

The NEAR Foundation, a Swiss non-profit overseeing the governance and development of the NEAR protocol, announced that they have partnered with the Borderless Tech Association.

Together they will be launching a regional hub in the Balkans.  This hub will be dedicated to continued blockchain innovation, education, and developing talent throughout the region.

The Balkans are already noted as being a popular IT hub.  They are currently hosting many emerging venture studios which boast some of the largest and fastest-growing crypto projects in the world.  The area is embracing Web3 through its developers and regional companies.  Due to the success stories emerging from the area, the word has spread, causing a flood of significant, global VC funds to pervade the area.

Ida Pandur, General Manager of NEAR Balkans, commented:

“We are dedicated to bringing the best of education and opportunities for companies and individuals interested in Web3 through strong local support across our Balkan region, which is full of creative, technical and business talents. We are looking forward to forming strong partnerships with teams, businesses and universities to bring the mission to execution.”

There seems to be a lot of excitement building around the potential of the NEAR blockchain.  The NEAR blockchain is faster than Ethereum, currently the world’s most used blockchain.  NEAR gives software developers easy access to create new crypto applications, from  NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to decentralized finance products, and launch new business models and consumer products.  NEAR has great interoperability as it acts as a bridge to other blockchains, allowing for the free flow of assets and communication between networks for the betterment of all.

We included a recent video about NEAR from our friends at the Coin Bureau.  In the video, Guy lays out some of the positive and not so positive attributes of this potential-packed protocol.

Check out the NEAR protocol for yourself at the link below:

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